Book Review: Killer Dreams by Vincent Donovan

Book Details:

Author: Vincent Donovan
Release Date: August 17, 2024
Genre: Suspense, Thriller, Family Drama
Format: E-book 
Pages: 314 pages
Publisher: Black Rose Writing
Are the voices in Cassie’s head real or just added mayhem?
Cassie MacLean has been under siege since that cold January night when her mother, Rose Owens plowed into a group of pedestrians killing five and critically-injuring many others. The town’s pent-up fury explodes when Rose begins to emerge from a coma ten years later.
Cassie feels conflicted about the awakening-as well as her father, who is enjoying a successful second act with another woman.
But after a brush with cutting-edge technology, Cassie believes her mother is innocent and embarks on a quest to prove it. While she risks alienating many and having her sanity questioned in the process, what’s not in doubt is a vengeful world where the truth depends on who you ask.


Rating: 4 out of 5.

Killer Dreams by Vincent Donovan is a gripping tale of mystery and intrigue, blending elements of psychological suspense with an exploration of family dynamics and the search for truth.

In addition to its rich character-driven narrative, Killer Dreams offers a thought-provoking exploration of justice and perception. As Cassie embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind her mother’s accident, she is forced to confront the biases and prejudices that shape her community’s perception of events. Donovan masterfully exposes the inherent flaws in the pursuit of truth, challenging readers to question their assumptions and preconceptions.

Overall, Killer Dreams is an engaging and thought-provoking read that will linger in the minds of readers long after the final page is turned. I would strongly recommend it not only to fans of the thriller and suspense genre but also to readers who enjoy a well-crafted story with depth and complexity.

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