TBR Pile Reading Challenge

TBR (To Be Read) Pile Challenge is yearly event hosted by Bookish. It’s awesome and I would recommend all the book lovers to consider taking part. I’ll be fun 🙂

We all have those books. We buy them, win them, they're gifted to us. Then we put them up on a bookshelf and there they stay, collecting dust, waiting for the time when we'll finally decide to pick them up... 
Join us on a quest to dust off your TBR Pile and read all the books you've been telling yourself you'll read next time you'll get a chance.. This is your chance! And we've got PRIZES!!!
-By Bookish


I am an avid reader and I always read all the books that I buy (actually I buy only those books that I really wanna read!) But sometimes I am gifted some books that I really don’t look forward to read. But one day or the other, I’ll have to read them as I hate giving away my books. So this is the reason I am participating in this challenge. The level I am taking up for this challenge is

Ten Books I Almost Put Down But Didn’t

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday! This weekly event is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Todays topic is Ten Books I Almost Put Down But Didn’t.

I have only Eight books to add to the list will add more if I’ll recall any sometime! Enjoy reading the list and do share your lists or names of books as well in the comments section 🙂

1. The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

Reason: I thought that it was some cute lil’ book for kids, so I dismissed the idea of reading it (after 5 pages!). But as the time of returning the book to the library was coming near, I was getting more and more curious about this book’s hype. So finally I picked it up again 1 day before I was supposed to return it and completed it the same day.

After-Thoughts: I read it in one go because as I kept reading it I slowly slowly started liking it and by the end I fell in love with this book. I am glad that I read it.