Book Review: The Outlander (The Fulfillment #2)





Author: Erin Rhew
Release Date: October 21, 2014
Series: The Fulfillment Series
Genre: YA | High-Fantasy | Romance
Edition: Ebook (mobi)
Pages: 345
Publisher: BookFish Books
Source: Author
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With King Jesper dead and Prince Wilhelm mortally wounded, Halfling prince, Nash, and the Fulfilment, Layla, assume the throne of Etherea. They must contend with a new Prophecy Candidate who asserts her position, and Layla is surprised to find her fate intertwined with this challenger. Facing a myriad of choices, Nash and Layla’s decisions affect not only their own futures but that of two kingdoms.

Unbeknownst to the Ethereals or the Vanguards, a slumbering menace stirs in the south, awakened after centuries of slumber. The mysterious Outlanders, a force shadowed in mystery, sit poised to tip the balance of power, sending ripples of fear throughout both warring kingdoms.

Elder Werrick proved a formidable foe, but Layla may yet meet her match in the monstrous Outlander queen. This mistress of the dark’s plans, rooted in revenge and ancient lore, now threaten the livelihood of all three kingdoms.

Racing against time, Layla travels to the Borderlands—home of the Voltons and Ecclesiastics—to discover as much as she can about the war, the First Ones, and the prophecy itself. Lives teeter in the balance, kingdoms sit on the cusp of ruin, and a beast, greater than any she’s ever faced before, plots a catastrophic attack.


5 Stars Black

The Outlanders start right where the first part, The Prophecy, ends. It feels as if you’re reading the book in continuation without any break, which in this case, is a good thing, cause really loved the way the book’s been written.

I enjoyed this par more than the first as there were some amazing detailing in relation to the awesome world build by the author for this series. It had layers and layers of elements which took the entire experience to the next level.

The new characters that were introduced in this book are so amazing that either you’ll love them or completely hate them! I mean, this part evokes such strong emotions that it leaves you crazily craving to know what happens next and wonder “how the hell is everything going to get better!?” The drama added an another layer to this awesome story and the love triangle successfully created a complicated web of suspense (in a good way.)

This is one of those rare instances where the middle book of a trilogy is actually the best part of the story. And I’m happy that i read this book, simply because it is an awesome Fantasy read!

If you’re looking for a kickass Fantasy series then this trilogy is what you need!

You can read my review of The Prophecy (The Fulfillment #1) here.

Other Stuff

Opening Line: Will stared down at the delicate hand gripping his arm.

Highlights: World-building.

Lowlights: None. 

Final Thoughts: An amazing Fantasy read.

You can also read this review at Goodreads and Amazon.

6 thoughts on “Book Review: The Outlander (The Fulfillment #2)

  1. I’ve never heard of this series! I just went and goodreads the first one now I’m totally keen to get my hands on it! I’m glad you loved the book so much!!

    Liked by 1 person

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