Time for Awards!

This is a single post for all the awards I’ve been nominated for during my 7 months of blogging history.

  1. Liebster Award by Aiswarya of My Kitchen Moments
  2. Most Influential Blogger Award by Dear Kitty. Some Blog
  3. Sunshine Award #1 by Ada of More Food, Please
  4. Sunshine Award #2 by Aiswarya of My Kitchen Momentssunshine-award
  5. One Lovely Blog Award #1 by weight 2 lose 2013
  6. One Lovely Blog Award #2 by Amaryllis Turman of The Opinionated Woman’s Musingsone-blog-lovely-award

Thanks a lot to all of you for all the love and appreciation!

As the criteria for all the awards is different, I’m answering some questions and listing 7 facts about myself. You can also read the separate posts for Liebster Award and Most Influential Blogger Award.

1. What do you look forward to most when you first wake up? 

My 20 minutes meditation ritual. It calms and prepares my mind for the rest of the day.

2. Are you a ‘night’ or a ‘day’ person? 

I’m a day person, to be exact, I’m a early morning person. I love to have some alone time!

3. Why did you start blogging?

It was just a random thought, but it seems to have changed my life completely.

4. What was the last thing you Googled? 

Really? I-phone 6….psssstt….

5. Flowers or chocolates? 

Flowers (lilies and tulips)

6. What has been your favourite blog post to write? 

Book Review: Lord Of The Flies

7. When was the last time you did a handwritten letter, who was it to?

2 years back for my brother on Rakhi.

8. What cheers you up on a dreary day?

Anything out of the following:

  • Chicken Momos with extra spicy sauce.
  • A new book (preferably thriller!)
  • Roast chicken subway with extra mint mayonnaise and jalapeños.

9. What can we expect to find from your blog in the future? 

Hell loads of Book Reviews and may be a book or two written by me!

Read “7 facts about me” in my next post!


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