Author Interview: Thomas Leslie McRae

Welcome to TRB Lounge. Today, I’d like to welcome the author of Lyrical Revelations Thomas Leslie McRae, for an author interview with The Reading Bud.

About The Author

You can find author McRae here:


Welcome to TRB! Beyond the formal details in your Author Bio, could you share a more personal glimpse into who you are with our readers?

Thomas Leslie McRae I’m a poet, writer and author. My poetry is inspired by my personal experiences and the lives of the people around me and also my surroundings. Poetry is my way to express my mind, body and soul while reaching out to several other people with my words and God given talents.

What exactly inspired your latest poetry collection? And how do you feel you have grown as a poet, author and writer?

Life inspired my book from  every aspect you can think of, such as my job and the craziness that comes with it. My family and close friends, who are my rock and biggest pains in my ass and of course my hater’s who continue to doubt me, knock me, discouraged me but could never break me or take away my shine. I have grown as a writer because I have grown as a person and as a man. I know who I am, what I’m trying to become and how I’ve evolved creatively and spiritually. While maintaining the integrity that was installed in me by my mother and father.

Poetry often reflects deep personal feelings or insights. What specific emotions or experiences drove you to write the poems in your book?

Shoot to be honest pain and love played a huge decisive Factor. But just trying to tell a story and reach as many people as I can was a huge motivator and inspiration.

What defining moment shaped and inspired you to start writing poetry? Was it a person a thing or mixture of both?

I’ve said this on numerous interviews and I’ll keep saying it my brother Marshall Edward McRae Jr inspired me with this poem he wrote about our mother. I don’t remember the details but I still get this tingling feeling, when I think about that childhood memory it was such a warm beautiful powerful poem and it just made me say wow if his words can inspire and touch her and myself I can imagine what I can do. Because Junior was always good but I knew I was better.

How long was your creative process to write your book and what do you usually do to get motivated and inspired?

It doesn’t take long as long as I’m motivated and excited and what I mean by that is when I have no negative distractions or anyone in my ear trying to spread negative thoughts. I like listening to music to get into a flow or I may think about past events such as childhood crushes, young youthful  indiscretions or just craziness I experience and saw along the way.

Looking forward what are your aspirations as a poet? Where do you see yourself in the literary world in the next 5 years?

At this point I’m not looking at anything, just excited to be here in the moment trying to get myself more exposure and give people a chance to experience wonderful reading material that is from the heart and 100% authentic and real.

What are your favourite format of poetry? And do you ever switch or use same style and craft when writing?

I love writing rhyming poems especially since a lot of my poetry is influenced by music and rhythm and beats. I like to fantasize myself as a singer/rapper especially since I can’t do neither, but I like to pretend and use the melodies and hooks to get my creative juices flowing and sparking.

Have you ever written anything other than poetry? Such as fiction or short fiction?

Yes I’ve written two short fiction novels one based on my work experience and the other was inspired by my family, particularly on my mother’s side. The books were titled Street trash and pimp in the pulpit both were very successful despite the limited resources I had to promote and market them.

Which is more important to you loyalty or respect?

It depends on the person but today I’m going to go with loyalty. Because if you can’t trust the people who supposed to be loyal to you then there is no foundation of respect or friendship.

Which excites you more writing in general or your regular paying job? And why?

I got to be honest I’m not crazy about my nine to five job, because there’s a lot of funny people who works for the city in particularly where I work at. You got a lot of dudes  and women who smile in your face knowing they hate your guts, but instead of being real about it they want to be so called politically correct. All the while being fake and insincere I’m just getting tired of the BS too many two-faced people and yet so many of them claim to be real. If writing was paying bills regularly then I definitely would do it because I get more joy and fulfillment and even when I get writer’s block I’m still very excited and happy.

Considering the themes of your poetry and writing style can you recommend any past or current authors to potential readers?

I can’t think of anyone at this time but I will say Maya Angelou Nikki Giovanni and Langston Hughes are three of my favorite poets. And I was strongly recommended them to anyone to read.

What poets are your favourites, and why?

I already answered it Maya Angelou and Nikki Giovanni and Langston Hughes are the three greatest poets, dead or alive.

Do you have writer’s block? And how do you overcome?

It doesn’t happen often but it has happened, I just try to be patient and wait it out. Usually I listen to a song or two, or just think about something that happened to me that was funny and entertaining and before I know it I’m back writing and in a majestic poetic lyrical flow.

How do you balance personal experience and universal appeal through your poetry?

I don’t why would I balance I just speak from the heart and let God do the rest. Everything I am and done is because of him so all I can do is be me and always praise the heavenly father.

Poetry sometimes touches on sensitive or controversial subjects. How do you address criticism or differences of opinion from your reader’s?

It depends if their criticism is constructive and positive I’ll try to be more in tune and informative. But if you criticize me and talking to me crazy then I’m going to tell you off after I’m done I’ll say don’t buy the book. The sad truth is most people criticize what they can’t do, I think Martin Lawrence said it best a critic is the biggest scumbag on the Earth because he doesn’t have the talent but he wants to judge yours. Don’t get me wrong we all have our strengths and weaknesses but you can also criticize somebody’s craft with elegance, Grace and class.

What advice would you give inspired new writers who want to get their work out there?

Do your research be patient and remember that timing is everything. Always ask questions and don’t be afraid to second guess if something doesn’t sound or seem right. Trust me there’s a lot of shady people in the publishing industry, but there is also a lot of good people who is willing to work with new talent. Just use good judgment and keep a real tight knit circle around you.

What kind of poetry do you write? And which style do you like the most?

I like rhyming poetry and also what I use because I think poetry is kind of like music when written correctly it can get you in a rhythm and beat while stimulating your mind, body and soul.

Other than writing what do you do for fun?

I like to watch movies and TV shows go fishing with my father. Sometimes I hang out with my brother I spend time with my mother my two boys from Job corp Ronny and Kimo. Listen to music take as many naps as possible I know I sound like an old man and I try to talk to my coworkers and Friends who I actually enjoy being around specifically my peoples from sheepshead Bay Brooklyn NY.

When first writing did you have a huge support system?

No not really I had a few people who was consistently showing me love my parents were off and on my brother very rarely but eventually everybody came around. You know when I was younger I took certain things personal, but as  I get older i realize not everyone is going to be on the same page or level as you. So you have to be ready to prove them wrong, just keep your faith with God and yourself and nothing is out of reach.

Are you in a relationship? And if not do you want to be in one?

I’m going to be honest I’ve been single for a while mainly because I refuse to settle on what I don’t want, especially when I know what I do want. I prefer someone who doesn’t have kids since I don’t have any but I’m willing to see and date a young lady with one or two kids. Especially if she conducts herself  with class and Grace and actually take the time to raise her kids like my mother did with me and my brother. I want someone who’s going to bring something to the table other than her ass I also prefer someone who doesn’t come with a whole lot of baggage and unwanted drama. She doesn’t have to be a PhD graduate but just don’t be someone who has any STDs. I’m not the most religious person in the world, but I do have a relationship with God and I will appreciate it if my mate had a similar one as well. 

Do you have any awards for your poetry or been in magazines or newspaper?

Yes I’ve been in the Rockaway newspaper, several poetry blogs for reviews and interviews New York City Housing Authority magazine the bulletin I’ve even done a few podcasts as well.

Is there anyone you want to acknowledge or thank regarding your book, writing journey or in general?

First I want to thank God Almighty for giving me a talent and making sure I use it and put it to productive use . I want to take the time to acknowledge my mother and father Mrs Sylvia Annette McRae and Marshall Edward McRae Senior. My brother Marshall Edward McRae Jr my Uncle Charles McRae my cousin Anna Rose Ford. I love you all and wish you all nothing but the absolute best 

I also want to thank my extended family my brothers and sister from Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn New York base Vinson McCrae Jr, Rastislav Kovalcik, Melissa Lopez, Mr P formally known as the legend, Mark Wilkins and Rohan Bloomfield and brother Blake. Thank you all for being awesome friends and family members.

I would also like to thank and acknowledge the following people Damon Adams,Christopher Bohan, Cristo Pinto, Rhina Alcantara, Nathaniel Scott, Tyra Mosby, my sister and friend Nekema Moore and her entire beautiful family, Patricia May Khalil Abdus Sabuurr last but not least Beverly Weathers.

Special shotout to my blogger friends who have help got me much appreciated publicity.

Joleene Naylor, Maria Schneider from Bear mountain books, Rune S Nielsen, Poetry Pop Blog, Joseph Awujoola, literary Titan, Eileen Moynihan, Kenitra Mounger and how can I forget The Reading Bud Blog as well.

Thank you to each and every one of you for your support kind words and overall goodness I appreciate and love each and every one of you I’m going to take the time to think everyone who took the time to check out this interview, because the fact of the matter is you could have been anywhere and you chose to be with me so thank you. This interview is to promote my poetry book of lyrical Revelations which is a brand new very affordable exquisite poetic craft masterpiece and it is for sale on Barnes and and any and every online store you can think of. It’s only $7.50 and it’s 22 pages not a very big book but it still has a whole lot to say.

Thank you, author McRae, for taking the time to answer our questions and for all your insightful and interesting answers!

About the Book

Lyrical Revelations

Join Thomas on a profound journey through the pages of his poetry book, where he eloquently explores themes of love, civil rights, religion, and more. Each poem is intentional, diving deep into the depths of the human heart and societal issues with poignant insight and heartfelt expression. From the tender verses about love to the powerful reflections on civil rights struggles, Thomas’s words will captivate your soul and inspire reflection on the complexities of life. This poetry collection is a testament to the enduring power of words to illuminate the human experience and provoke thought on the world around us.

You can find Lyrical Revelations here:
Amazon | Barnes and Noble

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