Book Review: Concerning Fanaticism in The Human Race (Human Condition Trilogy Book 3) by Massimo Fantini

Book Details:

Author: Massimo Fantini
Release Date: December 17, 2023
Series: Human Condition Trilogy, Book #3
Genre: Philosophical Fiction, Societal and Cultural Commentary, Political Fiction, Environmental Fiction
Format: E-book 
Pages: 236 pages
Elijah is a promising young lawyer, in love with his work and confident in the potential of the human race.
His law firm’s senior partner gives him his first important assignment. Elijah will have to follow the case of Leonard, an elderly engineer who lives in Montepastore, a small village in the Bolognese Apennines (Italy).

Leonard’s question concerns the supplementary contribution that engineers enrolled in the professional register are required to pay to Inarcassa, the Engineers’ Pension Fund. At first, the case seems simple. It was the subject of a previous ruling by the Court of Cassation. But Leonard is not satisfied with an institutional response. He wants to know why. He wants to know what hides behind the Supreme Court’s ruling.
Leonard’s demands grow meeting after meeting, and the subject of the dispute widens to include ethical, religious, and historical concerns.
As in the previous manuscripts, questions about the human condition are at the center of this philosophical debate. In the absence of answers, what is the point of writing about anything else?
The editing and translation of this book was done by Ian Zwaschka.


Rating: 4 out of 5.

Concerning Fanaticism in The Human Race by Massimo Fantini is the third and final instalment in the Human Condition trilogy. It is a brilliant end to a thought-provoking series. It explores the complexities of human nature and the pursuit of truth. The author’s narrative skillfully navigates through layers of legal intricacies, ethical dilemmas, and philosophical musings. The book successfully explores the deeper questions about the human condition through the story of Elijah.

One of the best things about this book is author Fantini’s ability to tackle weighty themes with nuance and depth. Through Leonard’s relentless pursuit of truth, the author explores the dangers of fanaticism and the power of questioning authority. The dialogue between Elijah and Leonard goes a long way in exploring complex ideas about ethics, religion, and history, inviting readers to ponder their own beliefs and convictions.

The character development in the novel is particularly noteworthy. The prose is elegant and engaging and overall, Concerning Fanaticism in The Human Race is a compelling and thought-provoking conclusion to the Human Condition Trilogy, offering readers a plethora of ideas to ponder long after the final chapter has been read.

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Book Review: Concerning Intellectual Suicide in The Human Race (Human Condition Trilogy Book 2) by Massimo Fantini

Book Details:

Author: Massimo Fantini
Release Date: June 21, 2023
Series: Human Condition Trilogy, Book #2
Genre: Philosophical Fiction, Societal and Cultural Commentary, Political Fiction, Environmental Fiction
Format: E-book 
Pages: 272 pages
Intellectual suicide corresponds to the more or less conscious decision to switch off the brain and renounce rational thought in favor of attitudes dictated by superstitions, by established habits, by prejudices, by common places. The effects of irrational choices – made with the brain switched off – can be devastating for oneself and for the others. Examples range from conformism, to religious superstitions, to ideological fundamentalism, just to name a few possibilities.

Tommaso, the protagonist of this debate, is the victim of his parents’ intellectual suicide, perpetrated through procreation. Procreation – the unilateral act by which a couple throws innocent individuals into the stillicidium of life, without weighing the consequences that the hell of existence will have on them – is the most heinous form of intellectual suicide in the human race, not least because of the scale of its consequences.

The author’s intention is to shine the spotlight on the one reality that unites us all, that accompanies our lives from birth until death, but which is casted to our periphery: the human condition.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Concerning Intellectual Suicide in The Human Race by Massimo Fantini is the second instalment of the Human Condition Trilogy. In this book, author Fantini explores the complex web of human consciousness, exploring the inescapable consequences of intellectual complacency and irrationality. Through the lens of protagonist Tommaso’s journey, the author exposes the pervasive influence of superstition, prejudice, and conformism in shaping our individual and collective destinies.

What sets this book apart is its unflinching examination of procreation as the ultimate act of intellectual suicide. The author confronts the taboo surrounding this topic head-on, challenging readers to consider the ethical implications of bringing new life into a world fraught with suffering and uncertainty. By weaving together philosophical insights and real-life examples, he provokes thought-provoking questions about the nature of existence and the responsibilities we bear as conscious beings.

The writing is both incisive and eloquent, guiding readers through complex philosophical concepts with clarity and precision. His keen observations and rigorous analysis illuminate the intricacies of the human condition, inviting readers to engage in a deeper exploration of their own beliefs and values. While the subject matter may be weighty, the author’s approach is refreshingly accessible, making this book an enlightening and thought-provoking read for both seasoned intellectual readers and curious minds alike.

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Book Review: Concerning Decay of The Human Race: A debate on the human condition (Human Condition Trilogy Book 1) by Massimo Fantini

Book Details:

Author: Massimo Fantini
Release Date: June 21, 2023
Series: Human Condition Trilogy, Book #1
Genre: Philosophical Fiction, Societal and Cultural Commentary, Political Fiction, Environmental Fiction
Format: E-book 
Pages: 465 pages
The small village of the Island of the Iguanas experiences the succession of different communities – sometimes forced to live together, sometimes taking over from a former generation. Each community possesses a culture and an assortment of certainties which it does not intend to give up, judging a priori the customs of those who preceded it as uncivilized or unreasonable.
Over the years, the community consolidates and grows, together with their prejudices, social injustices, and religious superstitions. The structural transformations of the village have repercussions on the ecosystem of the island which – starting as a protected nature reserve – becomes a hunting place, a tourist destination, and a favorable terrain for smugglers to exploit.

Thus, faced with the opportunity to adopt a new lifestyle – concerning principles of equality, safeguarding personal freedoms, and restoring the ancient harmony between man and nature – there are those who choose to follow the tested path of the government of man over man, which makes discrimination its founding principle, and those who choose to defy it. Social contrasts – delineated by origin, by social background, by acquired privileges – begin to arise within these communities, which are made up of heterogeneous families and members of different ages and ambitions.
Given the possibility to make a clean sweep of the past and rebuild the social fabric from scratch, will those who position themselves as leaders avoid the mistakes made by their predecessors or will they end up mechanically following the same steps laid out by human history?
The editing and translation of this book was done by Ian Zwaschka.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Concerning Decay of The Human Race by Massimo Fantini, the first instalment of the Human Condition Trilogy, is a greatly engrossing read. Fantini presents readers with a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition, set against the backdrop of the small village of the Island of the Iguanas. Through a succession of different communities, each with its own culture and certainties, Fantini delves deep into the complexities of societal evolution and the impact it has on both individuals and the environment.

One aspect of the book that struck me was Fantini’s nuanced portrayal of social dynamics and cultural evolution within the village. As different communities come and go, they bring with them their own prejudices, injustices, and superstitions, ultimately shaping the course of the village’s development. Fantini expertly navigates themes of discrimination, social inequality, and environmental degradation, prompting readers to reflect on the parallels between the fictional village and the world we inhabit today.

What sets Concerning Decay of The Human Race apart is its profound philosophical underpinnings and its ability to spark meaningful debate on pressing issues facing humanity. Through richly drawn characters and intricate plotlines, Fantini challenges readers to consider the consequences of our actions and the choices we make as individuals and societies. As the characters grapple with the opportunity to rebuild their social fabric from scratch, readers are left pondering whether history is doomed to repeat itself or if true change is possible.

Overall, Concerning Decay of The Human Race is a compelling and thought-provoking read that will resonate with anyone interested in exploring the complexities of human nature and society. With its captivating narrative and insightful commentary, Fantini’s novel sets the stage for a gripping trilogy that promises to delve even deeper into the fundamental questions of existence. I eagerly await the next instalment in this captivating series.

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