Book Spotlight: Native Knowings: Wisdom Keys for One and All by Steven McFadden

Welcome to the TRB Lounge. Today, we are featuring author Steven McFadden for his latest release, Native Knowings: Wisdom Keys for One and All.

Native Knowings: Wisdom Keys for One and All

Book: Native Knowings: Wisdom Keys for One and All
Author: Steven McFadden
Publication date: May 26, 2023
Genres: Motivational, Self-Help, Inspirational, Non-Fiction
Page Count: 84 pages
Publisher: –

About the Book

This original compilation–a small treasure of 72 pages–offers a concise and contemporary compendium of some key North American (Turtle Island) wisdom teachings to help support people through this era of transition.

“I ask you to listen,
not just with your minds.
I ask you to listen with your hearts,
because that’s the only way
you can receive what it is,
what we are giving.
These are the teachings of our hearts.”
– Frank Decontie, Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg

What do some of the venerable, deeply rooted wisdom teachings of the Americas offer in our era of transition?

This Soul*Sparks small treasure offers an array of thoughtful messages, a compilation of keys that everyone has opportunities to turn. We’d be wise to understand and then to weave their enduring insights into the fabric of what we are creating for ourselves, our children, and our children’s children

The words of contemporary elders, in particular, sound a note of urgency.

You can find Native Knowings here:
Amazon | Goodreads | Draft to Digital

About The Author

Steven McFadden

Steven McFadden is an independent journalist based in the Southwest of the USA. In the early 1980s he initiated Chiron Communications as an umbrella concept for his varied interests and pursuits. Chiron is a bridging figure, and bridging is what he has mainly been interested in over the years.
After authoring Profiles in Wisdom and then Legend of the Rainbow Warriors in the early 1990s, he rested the chiron concept to serve as National Coordinator for the annual Earth Day USA celebration, in partnership with the Seventh Generation Fund (1993). Then he returned to the work of chiron.
As a journalist, he is the author of a range of  non-fiction books, including Farms of Tomorrow, Farms of Tomorrow Revisited, The Call of the Land, Teach Us To Number Our Days, A Primer for Pilgrims, and Classical Considerations.
He is also the author of an epic, nonfiction saga of North America:Odyssey of the 8th Fire. This saga ( relates a true story arising from the deepest roots of the Americas, but taking place in the present and the future. In it, circles within circles, honorable elders make a great and generous giveaway of the teachings they carry.
McFadden’s newest agrarian book, Deep Agroecology: Farms, Food, and Our Future won the national Indie Excellence Award in the environmental category (2020). He is a member of the New Mexico Book Association (NMBA), and also the SouthWest Writers association (SWW).

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