BookBlogWriMo Week #1

What is #BookBlogWriMo?

Basically, it’s a lax version of NaNoWriMo for book bloggers. The author at Book Bumblings created prompts for each day, discussing different topics around books, blogging, and books + blogging. Visit here to know more about this prompt.

Week #1

1 – History of Your Blog – Tell us how you got started! When did you start your blog? Why? What have been some of your trials and tribulations? How many pigs did you have to sacrifice to get people to see your Facebook posts?

I’ve always been an avid reader. Call me crazy, but I’ve always been attracted to ‘something’, but never was I ever able to point out exactly what it was. I used to have this undeniable urge to discuss a book that just read with anyone who’s read it. Once I spent 2 hours talking to my cousin about ASOIAF (he’s the one who actually introduced me to the series.) We debated like cats and dogs and it really gave me a kick. Anyone who knows me well knows that I’m really opinionated and well, that was where I thought that reviewing will be good for me. 

As I earlier mentioned, as soon as the idea of reviewing books hit me, it felt like this was what that ‘something’ was! As I’ve always dreamt of being an author, I thought that maybe this is the road I need to take to take me to my ultimate goal of writing my own book! And Viola! 8 months and 48  reviews later, I’m sitting here writing the first draft of my first novel!

2 – How You Read – Paperback? Hardcover? Ereader? Smartphone? Bookmarks, note taking in the margins, or highlighting? Tell us some of your reading rituals!

I absolutely love paperbacks. There is absolutely nothing that can ever replace the fun and feel of a paperback. But as a reviewer of today, it gets hard to have scruples about reading only paperbacks, so I have adapted to reading e-books. I read on my Notebook as well as my Kindle (Paperwhite.)

I puppy-ear a lot while reading paperbacks and sometimes I just put a dot under a word I want to add to my vocab-list (so if you issue any books from JustBooks and see a dot under some words then now you know who it is!) While reading e-books I highlight whatever lines or paragraphs I like and also I add notes if I find something worth learning.

3 – Where You Read – Pretty self-explanatory. Bonus for a picture!

I love reading in my balcony on my throne!

My Throne
My Throne!

4 – Why You Blog – Again, self-explanatory.

I love writing and I love putting my thoughts infront of everyone. I also love discussing stuff and making new friends… so blogging is just the right thing for me!

5 – Where You Blog – Bonus for a picture!

I hate my laptop for blogging, crazy right, but I just don’t like it. I love my desktop (I have a pretty darn big screen.) Also I do the commenting and replying and liking from my Note.

6 – #TBT – Favorite Childhood Books – What were some of your favorite books way back when? This could be a read from before you could read, or what you spent summers by the pool with in high school.

I loved a lot of books but the best ones were Cinderella, Snow White and Pinocchio. I was obsessed with these three.

7 – #FlashbackFriday – Blog’s First Design – This one’s fun! Oh, how blogs evolve! Go to, enter your blog’s URL, and take a screenshot of what you used to look like!

Here we go:

Not bad, right?
Go ahead and take out some time for this wonderful prompt! Don’t share your thoughts as well as your links in the comments below…


16 thoughts on “BookBlogWriMo Week #1

  1. When reading your post I wanted to comment that I love your throne! I saw Rob already commented it. So many like minds on this platforms ;-)! So this really is something special! Also the surronding with the palm trees looks relaxing and inspiring.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Erika. It is indeed a platform for like minded people 🙂
      And yea the palm trees are really, really inspiring. They are so relaxing that whenever cold wind flows, I end up sleeping there for hours peacefully! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m glad I’m not the only one who is doing this on a weekly basis instead of daily.

    A song of ice and fire is one of those books that can be discussed for a long time. That’s the best part of having a blog, having someone to discuss the books I love with.

    lol I like your throne.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. phewww! Now I’m also relieved to know that I’m not the only one! lol!

      And yes, ASOIAF is indeed one of those books that make want to discuss about it for ever!

      Thanks a lot 🙂


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