Author Interview: Tyfany Janee

Welcome to TRB Lounge. Today, I’d like to welcome Tyfany Janee, author of The Invitation: To Journey Through A Conscious Mind, for an author Interview.

About the author:

Tyfany Janee is a devoted mother and a graduate of Strayer University in Virginia. She is a prolific writer, author and poet and she has an upcoming plan of releasing a debut novel in 2018 that she titles; “I Used to Love Him.” and another book titled “RSVP: To Be You Unapologetically.”

Tyfany Janee’s love for poetry has gained her several publications in Anthologies as a young adult for poetry. Her recent book is comprised of truth, meaning, hope, possibility and a much needed element of humor when it comes to exposing the true nature of humankind. Tyfany devours inspiration wherever she can get it, from cult classics, to just about anything she can see.

Contact Details:


Hello, Tyfany. Thank you for being here today.

Can you please tell my readers a little bit about yourself?

I’m a Maryland native and a Mom of two. I work full-time as Membership Coordinator/Content Marketer at a Non-Profit Association. Currently finishing my degree in Business with a minor in Marketing. I plan to pursue entrepreneurship into a Publishing and Marketing company.

Writing has always been a part of my life. I’ve been at this since the age of 13, and have written many unpublished works such as stories, screen plays or poems. I’ve been learning everything about my craft waiting for the time when I could share with the world.

Please tell us about your book?

The Invitation: To Journey through a conscious mind, it’s just that of which it states. An invitation to join and emote in the conversation. That it’s ok to “be” and have thoughts or experiences like the ones that unfold. Furthermore, in the end there’s a strengthening that can begin from it all.

It’s the invitation to celebrate oneself. Be brave and courageous to be who you. You’re not perfect. I’ve lived, laughed, loved through the good and the bad. The purpose of it all, to learn and make me better. On the social side, there will are things not fair or equal. Be the change you want to see. And on the relationship side of life, we love, lose, get played and cry the blues. It will be ok, but it sucks, I know let’s express about it. You think, does love even remember your name? You don’t fit in but like being different. It can make you feel insecure and socially awkward. There is so much in this book to speak to.

I’ve experienced some of these things and gave a voice to others that have. Just to be conscious enough and speak to the topics not many want to speak on. It’s reality, It’s someone’s reality. I came to share the story in poetic form, give to the one that needs it and maybe doesn’t even know it.

How long did it take you to write it?

It took 3 months to bring it all together. I had some older poems that fit the theme. However, there was still 70 percent of new content that I had to work on. Poems are not typically hard for me. I tend to get inspired often, and can write them without any hesitation. So, I just kept writing and judged if they fit the theme later.

Why did you choose this topic?

I chose this topic and the five themes in the book because it represented a current moment. It represented truth in this moment. Some of themes fit personally for me now or in past. Others that I’ve heard related in conversations or seen from women/men that are attributed to the joys, insecurities, struggles in relationships, lack social acceptance etc.

I’m open enough to say, I’ve been there, seen it, heard it, and I understand. To have loved and lost, have or had insecurities, struggle to find one self, battles of fitting in. Understand because that person was a family member, friend, or stranger to me.

Which writers in your field inspire you?

I’m like an old soul. So, there are many that inspired me that are not present. These great writers include Maya Angelou, Zora Neal Hurston, and Nikki Giovani. Growing-up I read books from Omar Tyree, Toni Morrison, and E. Lynn Harris.

What inspired you to write?

I read many great Authors coming up and I was always taken by the words of many of them. I probably was the only thirteen-year-old into Shakespeare. Ultimately, I wrote to express myself. In every emotion, I was compelled to write versus speaking. It was a release. I was always an imaginative child. Once I grabbed a pen and paper it became home to the constant stories I thought up.

Are you working on any other project(s) right now? If yes, what are they?

I’m writing now the next book, The Road Sometimes Traveled, it contains three short stories that are tied together by a central theme of my characters dealing with secrets of their past coming back to haunt them. The cover is ready and it’s been put up on my website and all the ways to connect with me via social media.

I plan to release another poetry book in 2018, titled, RSVP: To Be Unapologetic. That book will have poems that are aimed to shed light life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. About being confident in your own skin, speak your truth, getting naked in a sense to say yes, I have flaws and imperfections. I’m human. It pulls out a chair to the table that tells it like it is. We all have our vices, mistakes are made daily. We move forward and learn, for those that are still there, you’re no less than anyone that has moved onto the next phase. Be unapologetic in being who you are.

How do you prefer to write? On computer/laptop, typewriter, dictation or longhand with a pen?

I prefer the longhand with a pen. I know very old school and probably double the work. But it allows me to organize my thoughts and clearly write. I start every story in a composition book. I don’t know how many words I’m writing like I would on the computer. However, I can take it everywhere and when inspiration comes that may help what I’m working on, I can jot it down.

What are your 5 favourite books and 5 favourite authors?


  1. Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing – Judy Blume (Yes, I had to go back to childhood lol. She is an amazing writer. I’ve read more than a handful of her titles.)
  2. Never Again Once More- Mary B. Morrison
  3. The Notebook – Nicholas Sparks (It’s unfair to list just one. I like anything by him.)
  4. Twilight Book Series – Stephanie Meyer (Need I say more.)
  5. The Joy Luck Club – Amy Tan


  1. Kimberla Lawson Roby
  2. Mary B. Morrison
  3. Nicholas Sparks
  4. Stephanie Meyer
  5. Judy Blume

Non-Fiction deals with a lot of facts and real-life study. How do you deal with the all research work?

Poetry is a different type of process and it is technically Non-Fiction. Moreover, I believe the research comes in a way of discovery. Discovery into the feeling that has become inspired.

What advice would you give to new aspiring authors in your genre?

Don’t be afraid to be yourself and embrace your style. Allow people to get to know your tone and your words to the point that they can recognize them anywhere, because you are that distinct.

Thank you, Tyfany, for all your enlightening answers! 

About The Book:

The Invitation: To journey through a conscious mind, is a showcase in talent from author and poet Tyfany Janee. She’s eloquently produced the anthology through plaintive artistic angst. Injecting the essence of her soul into her prose. The diverse collection of poetry which lies between the covers is the result of an entire life’s work experimenting within her vocation.
Her work is comprised of truth, meaning, hope, possibility and a succinct hint of humor as she tears away the facade from humanity. The works shed light on relative issues that we’re all faced with in our easily waywardly led astray lives, and the monotony that makes up our existence.
The Invitation: To journey through a conscious mind is an ode to the beat generation of poets that carved their names in literary history. Any creative mind will revel in the inspiration that lies between these pages, it’s full of daring attitude, and celebration for the authentic. A unique look on love, that you have to dare to delve within. It harnesses true devotion, with a stark, hair raising element of modern reality.

Book Links:


For more author interviews, click here.

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